Application of UL Certification in Type TL Power Supply
Type Temperature Limited LED Power Supply is another functional option for UL certification.
As different models of the LED power supplies with the labels of UL Type TL can be replaced with each other and there is no need to report such replacement to UL, the market sourcing procedure for the LED driver is simplified. Relying on its strong substitutability and market competiveness, Type TL power supply wins market share by the most efficient way.
As the preferred partner of UL, Standard-Tech facilitates the compliance of clients' LED power supply products with Type TL requirements based on its understanding and master of UL standards and its independent completion of UL testing.
Application Methods of Type TL LED Power Supply
As for UL1598 lamps, in case a Type TL driver is used during the application for UL certification, the following conditions should be met when another Type TL driver is used for replacement or reported for filing.